The Puritans, and John Owen in particular, have written some of the most in-depth and theologically rich books on the doctrine of sin and repentance. One book I recommend time after time is John Owen's "The Mortification of Sin in Believers." In it, he emphasizes the need for Christians to mortify our sins by the help of the Holy Spirit, and he walks the reader through scripture leading to an understanding of this very important doctrine. One of my favorite quotes is actually three paragraphs from the book:
"Christ tells us that we obtain purging grace by abiding in Him (Joh 15:4). To act faith upon the fullness that is in Christ for our supply is an eminent way of abiding in Christ, for both our engrafting and abode is by faith (Rom 11:19-20). Let, then, your soul by faith be exercised with such thoughts and apprehensions as these:
I am a poor, weak creature; unstable as water, I cannot excel. This corruption is too hard for me, and is at the very door of ruining my soul—and what to do I know not. My soul is be- come as parched ground, and an habitation of dragons...
He can make the dry, parched ground of my soul to become a “pool,” and my thirsty, barren heart as “springs of water.” Yes, He can make this “habitation of dragons”—this heart, so full of abominable lusts and fiery temptations—to be a place for “grass” and fruit to Himself (Isa 35:7)."
John Owen - The Mortification of Sin in Believers